Tuesday, January 24, 2006


So I haven't posted in ages....but I have been keeping up on all your rants. Here's one for all you ladies.

It has now been 7 months since I have been single. Why is that everyone always says being single is so much fun? At 19, 20, 21, yeah it is fun but at 25, not so much. So far I have had encounters with "the stalker," "the baby-maker", "the belly-button piercer", "the 'I have a girlfriend but you're the one'", oh and "let's be friends and hang out again ex". There are very few normal single people out there...minus myself and that in itself, is questionable.

Being an independent person, I know I do not NEED a man....but seriously, I would just like to come in contact with someone who does not creep me out. These are the reasons this single thing sucks:

- I have a formal to go to this weekend in which I am sitting at a table of 9....but it is supposed to be 10......I am the odd number!
- I have 4 weddings as of this summer to go to
- I have no bf to bitch about....and everyone is getting tired of hearing about the ex.
- I have no morals anymore when I go downtown....and my standards have declined dramatically.
- I live with a married couple!!
- I have a pretty green dress I would really like to wear somewhere special......

So, help me out ladies. Let me know why single-life is so great....or let me know of some kick ass places where normal people are!!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Just a Friendly Reminder


Get your asses out there and VOTE...today's the day.

Also....I don't want to influence any of you....BUT...I'd also like to NOT be bare foot and pregnant, lose my right to vote, and send all the men in my life off to war.....so just keep that in mind when you're marking that ballot ok?!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Little Mary-freaking sunshine!

Things that are annoying me already this morning, and its only 8:44

-Bra fat ( yours, mine everybodys) - yeah you know that little fold of flab that resides right underneath the back strap of your bra. You know what I am talking about. GROSE!

People who don't signal when they are turning - this one pissed me off so many times in the 2 minute drive on the way to work that I purposely decided to "forget" to signal as I was parking. Pretty sure I succeeded in pissing off the guy who was riding my tail as I was about to park - annoying wasn't it pal! Yeah well - SUCK IT!

Garbage day - nuff said

CKBW - they play the EXACT same few songs every morning between 7-730. Also---my new Shower radio - the radio that I begged my mom to give me for Christmas which ONLY picks up CKBW, forcing me to listen to the same fucking 3 songs every goddam morning.

My clothes - YES all my clothes. Cause its tottaly their fault for shrinking (not me gaining weight, so don't even think it) preventing me from wearing half of them, making it almost impossible to wear something different every day for a few weeks, making choosing an outfit for work EXREMELY frustrating, and making me 15 minutes late.

People in my office that I hate- you know the ones that have the same effect on you as, oh, I dunno. Fiddle heads, or brussel sprouts…basically they just make me mad looking at them.

Election Coverage - I don't give 2 sweet shits the Jack Layton visited a daycare center in Winnipeg, or planted a tree in Sault Ste Marie.

GRRRR - rant over...
Time to drink some coffee


Monday, January 16, 2006

Jumpin up on the Soap Box!!!

Great topic, I have a little more then 2 cents to put in, so here is a buck fifty!

Great job Amy for bringing this topic up. I think it’s awesome that we take the time to chime in on the currently political debates, parties, candidates. Unfortunately, what I do think some of our thoughts/comments reveal is the extensive lack of interest/knowledge that our generation and to be completely honest most of the population has about our political system.

I am certainly no authority on politics, I AM NOT. I don't spend my night’s sleepless, reading platforms and re-reading my political science books from University. However, being thrown into a work environment that is at its foundation very political, has given me a little insight. And LOTS of opinions..haha

The truth of the matter is, none of the political parties has any intention of "changing anything". Not really. Nothing that will substantially effect Joe Public, nothing that will make an indelible impact on the entire country. The truth of the matter is, there aren't a heck of a lot of issues that effect the entire country equally, that need changing. Each region has its own set of unique challenges, which is why we each have our own MP's. But can one MP, in one region, actually make a difference? Nope sorry, not gonna happen. Not enough votes. So therefore small issues that effect small regions, usually get a 30 sec sound bite in the house, and are then thrown in the shredder, basically so MP's can attack each other on issues with more meat, and get more air time! For example. "Liberal corruption" Fighting words right!! Words that when communicated in the media outrage the country and help to initiate an election to bring down a party that kept us out of one of the "STUPIDEST" wars of our lifetime, and probably saved thousands of lives. Words that have an ounce of truth and ten ounces of crap. If you wanna talk about wasting money, you better go a heck of a lot deeper then a few kickbacks, that's an appetiser compared to the main course of billion wasted on MP travel, overhead spending, and decisions made for regions in an office high a-top a 15 story high rise in Ottawa. But again, this will not change no matter who is in power. Politics is about holding the power, making you afraid of the other party to keep them out of power, the almighty dollar, and "the game".

Look at the country, is it really so bad here? What's to change? What "difference" do you want them to make. We live in a country that is free of oppression, has more social supports that almost any other, free health care., we are not at war, we have the lowest unemployment rate right now then we have had in years, gays can be married, and POT is almost legal. (haha) Now granted, the environment is Fucked, and we are consuming resources at a rate that would scare the shit out of the population if they really knew how fast it was happening, and gov't money is, frequently, YES being spent in a way that would make Joe public less then enthused. But these facts will not change no matter who is in office. If you want change, real change, important change you will need some serious bank roll, a network in your pocket, and some directions on how to "play the game". Because make no mistake about it, politics is a game. Its also about making people believe what you want them to believe, usually at a certain point in time, and then change their minds whenever you feel like it. Use the media to distort, mold, outrage, and basically fool the public into thyinking whatever you want.

I personally think there should be a "status quo" party, one that vows not to change a thing. One that vows to keep the peace keepers…keeping the peace, spending billions on private jets and BMW's, and continuing the smoke and mirrors show to ensure the public really has no idea what kind of decisions are being made from Sussex drive.

Ponder this, do we really need gov't? Is there a locale in the world that runs on its own, without leaders making decisions? Remember in elementary school where everyone voted on everything, no influence, no bull shit, just majority rules. Could that work? Worth a try?

I have no idea, but its fun to day dream, speculate and pretend I have a clue what I am talking about.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

My Political Soap Box

Happy New Year, blah blah blah.....Sorry I haven't posted in a while....blah blah blah....

Now that I have more time to waste, I am going to try to waste more of it catching up on my blogging. And to start off....I figured I woul dabble in, what tends to be, a somewhat touchy subject, but yet one that we should all be stewing over at this time.....POLITICS.

With the upcoming election and what not....lets talk voting. Apparently this is important...I get this feeling for many reasons, one of which being it was a big deal when they let us little, baby poppin- women and them there coloured folk do it....I was also given the impression that voting was a somewhat signigicant task after having the following conversation with my Dad:

Dad: I want you to vote
Amy: yeah ok
Dad: No, I WANT you to vote....I don't care who you vote for....just go out and mark something a piece of paper.
Amy: yeah...ok
Dad: Seriously...you can just go to Dal and do it.....so vote ok?
Amy: YEAH, OK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok...so voting is important.....I GET IT. And from what I hear, a lot of people understand the importance of voting...HOWEVER...here is where I get a little 'fuzzy'....I don't think people really UNDERSTAND voting. I believe that's thanks to our electorial system, which seems to strip away the concept behind voting.

Let me explain....when I talk to people about the election, people tend to say the following:
- "I don't know who to vote for...I like the person in my riding, but I don't like the overall leader of that party." (note: this is a real problem)
Perhaps the stupidest things I've heard for an argument:
- "I will probably just vote for the majority, otherwise my vote won't really count."
- "I like the ideas behind the Green Party...but voting for them is like not voting at all, because they will never win."

Well of course they will never win with an attitude like that! To me, the WHOLE POINT of voting is to make a DIFFERENCE, and to let YOUR voice be heard....or at least that was the impression I was always under. It blows my mind how people think that 'well, since the Green party (or NDP, or whoever the fuck else is out there) will never really win, voting for them won't matter.' Let me ask you this....HOW EXACTLY DO YOU THINK PEOPLE DO WIN ELECTIONS?! Because people vote for them.....

I'm just going to come right out and say it.....I'm voting Green Party.....whatEVER. And here is why:
a) To me, they're the only ones that seem to be saying something different.
b) I see them as 'real people', not your typical politician who has selfish, political agenda to better serve their political party, rather than the people of our country as a whole.
c) They care more about getting their IDEAS out there, more than getting a bunch of seats....as long as their ideas can be picked up and used by another party, makes no real difference to them, becuase they care about outcomes, and not personal gain.
d) I like how their ideas and suggestions are long term oriented and not necessarily a quick fix...in some cases, things MIGHT have to get worse in order for them to get better and remain better.
e) if pot gets leagalized....well that's just a big bonus isn't it....and if any of those parties would make that happen....I'm going to guess it would be the 'green' party.

So I'm going to vote for who I want to see move forward and be given the chance to make a difference, not who the MAJORITY is going to vote for....because to me, that is defeating the whole purpose of MY vote! Maybe the Green party won't get enough votes to win.....but if we all start voting for who we WANT, and use OUR vote and not just make the vote that we think will make the MOST difference, but the BEST difference.........then maybe the Green party will at least make enough progress to be taken seriously, and be given more funding so that they can make themselves be heard more. The change can come sooner than we think if we all take our votes back from the majority.