Monday, December 11, 2006

Counting down......

Well its dark at 430 when I get home from work, so that can only mean 1 thing.....the holidaze are coming! There are a number of things that we all look forward to during the holiday season, whether it be eating, drinking or being merry, the list is long and lovely. Here are a few of the things I look forward to each year, and for good measure and because every list needs a ying AND a yang, a few things I don't.

--Not working - nuff said
--Sleeping in - even though my capacity for sleeping in has been reduced
from 10am to 8am, a sleep in, is a sleep in nonetheless
-- Munchies and snacks a pleanty; including party packs, fudge, chips and
as many types of dip you can name.
--PRESENTS:!!! giving AND receiving is NOT lost on this girl, I can unwrap
as fast as any 6 year old
--Turkey dinner - I love being the little shit that eats all the stuffing out of
the turkey before it hits the table....haha...suckas
-- Hangin with the fam - hoping for a food fight this year
--Seeing the kids open stuff, freak out and then play with the same old
crap that was there last year...
--The usual holiday party which includes lots of catching up, overdrinking
and usually ends with my head in the toilette bowl...funtimes, funtimes
--The 12 days of XMASS song by the Mackenzie Brothers. Basically if they
played that all day, everyday on CKBW that would be the best present

OK now for a few things I am not looking forward to; a lot of this is part of the annoyance of being single during the holidays so bare with me....
--Last months break up has left me RETURNING xmass presents before
the holidays. A constant reminder of the breakup, and lets face it -
FUCKING annoying.
--NO date for new years AGAIN....soon I am going to start kissing furniture
or stuffed animals
--overeating - sabotage of the 7 pounds I lost so far.
--Snow, and probably a storm. Have I mentioned that I hate snow...
(see last years story about getting stuck)
--Sitting in uneven numbers around the table cause. I am the odd number
by the way.

So there ya go, a few good and a few bad. A pretty balanced list I think. Now If I could just hear the beer song, it would all be good!!!! A BEER IN A TREE

Peace and holiday luv


Anonymous Anonymous said...

To do justice to your list I have written a song, a reminder of just how fun the holidays can be...

Dashing through the bar
With my hand over my face
To the can I go..
spewing all the way

I swear I didn’t drink
Too much and picked a fight
What fun it is to drink and barf
On a holidazy night!

Oh…jingle bells,
Oh how I smell
of cigarettes and beer
I'm feeling so hammed right now
Lets have another cheer!

by Natasha

4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all share varying degrees of understanding in this world; - of who we are, where we're going, and ultimately what type of person we will develop into in the future.

We all share too, a natural fascination with sex as being part of our human condition. It is very natural, and one can make it a good thing, or a bad thing.

But, by making it into a bad thing, we help to dumb down our culture further than it already is.

We are only influencing a younger generation to regard our actions as something to aspire to.

You list your occupation as education. Ironic, and a shame for all us New Brunswickers.

9:39 AM  

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