Monday, January 31, 2005

Adventures in Hali......

I would like to give a big shout out to the trio of fabulous roomies that put up with me all weekend. Ladies…. I had a great time, and was in mega need of a few girls’ nights. Despite the fact that Rockabella snores like a buzz saw, and my new friend “Napoleon” AKA Duff is a bigger farter then my little brother !!! And to Bob Dylan who gave me a giggle just seeing you with the guitar strapped to your back. Thanks for a calorie fest that I will never forget, mostly because of the 3 pounds of cream cheese that resides in that little pocket above my ass. But it was ALL worth it, and I WILL be back!

Many years from now I will remember fondly our wild and wonderful trip deep deep into the woods of Dartmouth, past Sobeys and a quick left up the hill to visit our new friend Lois. The chain smoking, finger nail picking, soon to cough up a lung Psychic from the bowels of Cape Breton....

Thanks Lois for letting me know that I will once again be moving back to our fair capital to meet the love of my life get married and have 2 wonderful boys. But Sidebar to Mr. Right…may I ask where the FUCK you were the first goddam time I lived there, could you not have surfaced then…what, was your white horse in the shop or something. However, I am very happy to know that my long distance “Joe Friday” will not be heart broken when I move away, but will be the source of many a booty call and casual pick up. SWEET!!! Happy to hear that my mom is a cat with 9 lives, and that my little brother will soon be asking me to loan him some money …However, good luck with that little brother. You might as well as VISA, because that’s who gives me all of mine… Thanks for letting me know that I don’t get out enough, and that I need to dance with more freaks and assholes because it’s just for fun right!!! Glad to know that there is lots of wedding chatter around me, and that someone is going to get knocked up (I pray to the goddess its not me)

But all in all not a bad way to spend 4.5 hours, at least I can get some packing done early.

Thanks Roomies!!!


Blogger Duff said...

I had an excellent time this weekend as well....however I take offense to the farting comment. Everyone needs to fart and I don't understand what the big deal is. I have to hold them in all day at school so that creates build-up and pressure. That's why I have to let all inhibitions out the back door (so to speak)when I am home. Whoever said girls don't poop....or fart for that matter are extremely mistaken....well in my case anyways. "I'll do whatever I want! Gosh!!!"

1:13 PM  
Blogger J-Dub said...

Sorry Duffy pants, me no mean to offend....I just find that when I place the blame on someone else, it makes it easier to get away with my own...poo pooing...and we don't have a dog anymore. You are still my favorite power ranger! :))

1:20 PM  
Blogger Duff said...

No worries......I don't have a dog either I try to put the blame on the roomies....why don't they ever believe me? Gosh!!

7:56 PM  

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