Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Drunkin relatives and such!

Well fellow poopers, I have braved the tin can plane once again, travelled to a dictatorship and am no worse for the wear. I have to admit to being a little tired from all that relaxing, a little peely from all the sun and a little happy to see the red and white flag waving. FUCK I love this country! So anyway here are a few of the highlights from my trip……

--Relatively smooth ride down, although my attempt to take some mind altering anxiety medication failed miserably. But I guess that's what I get for taking drugs from 1999--Blew an entire day in bed after getting extrememly sloshed from wine, beer, shots, brown cows, sex on the beach (the drink - unfortunately) and other alchohol related drinks. Mixing drinks - NOT my greatest plan. Stumbled home, and actually found my room….on the first day!

--rode on a bannana boat, got thrown off and had a small head inury--laid in a hammock IN the water, sat on lawn chairs IN the water, and did a lot of swimming

--drove extremely fast in a speed boat, swam with the fishes, and held a gigantic LIVE starfish(did you know that they are black when they are alive)…well ya do now!

--accidentally deleted 44 pics from my camera (on the last freaking day) NOT my finest hour

--observed my family DANCIN on a bar and YES that includes my MOM - PICS included in the 44 that were deleted

--got stalked by a cuban cook, hid from the cuban cook, and then felt bad after he gave me a necklace with a heart on it…

--got in SHIT at the airport for loosing my temporary travellors visa, was told to sit in the corner by a man with a gun, watched my family clear customs, and convinced myself that I would be happy living alone in Cuba and working as a maid

--met countless BRITS and adopted the word PROPER and NOBHEAD as part of my vocab

--smoke a Cuban cigar

--dove off a peer

--waited an hour to use the freaking computer to send e-mails to friends back home

--shopped at a tiny market everyday….we referred to it as going to the mall

--played tennis, beach volleyball, and walked about 50 miles--ate more bread, pasta, pizza, and french fries than I ever thought possible.-

-stayed awake for over 24 hours

So all in all I would say a pretty good trip, but glad to be home to a country where people make more then 15.00 a month

Tryign to attach some pics...we'll see how that goes



Blogger Rockabella said...

jealous jealous jealous jealous

you need to post some pictures of the beach i can be more jealous....oh, and for good measure, stick one up there of your killer tan!!!!

AND THEN...start preparing yourself for when we stockpile a bunch of people and head down there....cause that's going to take some prep time.

12:52 AM  

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